toxic water
By Edsel Cook
Dangerous, toxic, potentially catastrophic: Tailing ponds for copper mine quietly being planned upstream from the St. Louis River, Lake Superior
A Global Research article drew attention to the quiet plans of a foreign corporation to set up insufficiently secure toxic tailing ponds for its copper mine sited upstream of the vital St. Louis River in Minnesota. According to the article, PolyMet Mining is planning to set up an “enormously dangerous [and] potentially catastrophic” lagoon that will store […]
By Rhonda Johansson
High levels of radioactivity persist in Pennsylvania stream sediments 7 years after fracking wastewater disposal was restricted
Three wastewater disposal sites in western Pennsylvania have been analyzed to contain as much as 650 times higher radioactive sediments than unaffected sites upstream. These numbers are made even more shocking considering that more than seven years have passed since Pennsylvania’s government restricted the disposal of fracking wastewater into these sites. Authors of the new […]
By Isabelle Z.
Geoscientist analyzes how contaminants, including bacteria and viruses, move through groundwater
It’s a topic that many of us don’t give much thought: How exactly do bacteria and viruses make their way through groundwater? Countless people can be sickened when this happens after flooding or heavy rains, for example, but what occurs on the microscopic level when this happens is largely a mystery. William Johnson, a geoscientist from […]
By Janine Acero
Fracking impacts water quality AND quantity downstream, raising concerns for aquatic ecosystems, recreation and drinking water
Studies have been conducted on the effects of fracking on bodies of freshwater, particularly the contamination of water with the oil extracted from the drilling process. One such study has highlighted the potential effects of fracking on the streams in Arkansas, where millions of gallons of water have been sucked up for use in the fracking […]
By David Williams
Fracking waste is radioactive and endangers human health – there is NO safe way to dispose of it
Hydraulic fracturing – more commonly known as fracking – may still be legal in many states across the U.S., but there’s no denying that it’s a highly controversial practice. In the state of Colorado, which has issued strict guidelines regarding disposal of waste water from fracking sites, has now ruled that the waste is far too dangerous […]
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